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How might we improve the positioning of a high-cost medicine in the market to promote the value of the patients' testimonials, recognizing them as active contributors to the healthcare system?


User Research, Facilitator




4 months


UX, UI Designer, User Researcher, Project Manager

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Addressing the drastic health improvements in patients treated with the medicine and overcoming the lack of a formal relationship between the pharmaceutic and the health provider (New EPS) were primary challenges. Additionally, the project aimed to dismantle the social stigmas associated with various illnesses.


We interviewed patients provided by the pharmaceutical company to understand the medication's impact and simultaneously analyzed the market and Colombia's health system providers to spot overlooked opportunities.

The insights


From the patient:

  1. Social Stigmas and Adjustments: Initially fearing societal judgment after diagnosis, patients eventually become advocates to dismantle stigmas.

  2. Systemic Inefficiencies: Inefficiencies in the healthcare system lead patients' lives to revolve around managing appointments and medication retrieval, affecting their adherence and quality of life.

From Doctors:

  1. Health System Limitations: The character limit in the Mipres system makes it challenging for doctors to provide comprehensive justifications for prescribing high-cost medications.

  2. Value of Medical Opinion: Doctors' decisions to prescribe specific medications are influenced by their observations of patient outcomes, underscoring the importance of platforms for sharing and discussing treatment efficacy.

From understanding the market, the patients, and the doctors, we crafted a strategy in three steps: connecting people, sharing stories, and making a real difference with the medicine.

The strategy was planned to be executed in three phases:


  • Phase 1: Creating an open space for patient communication and support.

  • Phase 2: Leveraging the 'acompañarte' program to build relationships with EPS associations and exert influence in administrative domains.

  • Phase 3: Utilizing patient testimonials to formally integrate them into the medicine's promotional narrative for the EPS.

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The "Discurso Con-Tacto" project was rooted in the value of patients' stories and experiences under the high-cost treatment. This initiative intended to transform Abbvie's approach to value proposition development by intertwining medical benefits with quality-of-life enhancements, aiming for lasting partnerships with the EPS. The project also intended to influence EPS decision-making through the Patient Association, effectively humanizing the discourse around patient experiences and life quality improvements.

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